
Wah likes it the Beijing Style

Distance to the closest Starbucks: maximum 5 min walk
Distance to the closest McDonalds: across the street
Distance to the closest Karaoke bar: across the intersection

Location: Advertising agency. DMG. 25th floor. Tower A. Chaoyangmenwai Street. Chaoyang District. Beijing. (From experience I know that the 25th floor is not a good place to be during an earthquake)

Position: Interactive department.
Go right if you are facing the reception. Across the four steps over the small pond with golden fishes. To the left by the windows. The desk with some random guy's phone number written down on the whiteboard wall infront.

What's going on? Research & Analysis: Interactive stuff, Competitors. Meeting interesting people. Gaining knowledge. Getting experince. A lot of nice meals with an American dude who fills me up with priceless knowledge about life. A lot of trips to Starbucks around 5 p.m. And pretty much checking out the hot guy behind me. Night activities that I will miss when I go back to Sweden.

I blend in pretty well with my looks. Sometimes even a bit too much... People believe I speak their language and get confused when I don't aswer them. Being able to speak Cantonese doesn't help me much here, cause they don't understand it. But my Mandarin is slowly improving, I'm taking Mandarin lessons provided be the company.

// Wah Linh

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